Most viewed talks Devoxx Belgium 2023.
Last updated at 2024-10-30 13:24:41(Stockholm/Sweden)

The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 50 Minutes by Adam Bien

How to: run Java as a shell script, run a Java app without compiling, print an emoji, run an HTTP dev server, use libraries without compiling, colorful logs, access LLMs,run timer jobs, access the clipboard, implement a file watch, main in interfaces, easy file parsing (...) and ~100 other popular Java snippets from builds, no Maven, no dependencies, just javac and Visual Studio code.


Design Patterns Revisited in Modern Java by Venkat Subramaniam

Design Patterns Revisited inModern Java, more details will follow soon in the near future.


If Streams Are So Great, Let’s Use Them Everywhere... Right?? by Maurice Naftalin, José Paumard

Using streams everywhere: is that really a good idea? Certainly, stream code is often much clearer and more concise than iteration over a collection. But sometimes a stream solution requires a complex combination of collectors, reduction over a primitive stream, or nested FlatMap operations, and the verdict isn’t so obvious. In this talk, we’ll look at some sample use cases, evolve the best solutions we can, in both imperative and functional styles, and then argue over which is better. You’ll get a vote too!This session is for everyone who needs to write code in Java for bulk data processing – every Java developer, in fact. You’ll leave hopefully entertained, and with a better idea of the use cases where streams excel, and where you’re better staying with old-fashioned ways.


Top REST API Design Pitfalls by Victor Rentea

An entertaining tour of the most common mistakes in designing an API (with examples): Domain Leakage, Sensitive Data Exposure, Performance issues, CQRS, PUT overload, and breaking changes. Collected with love from over 150 companies.- DM leak- Privacy Leak- Performance: Lazy, N+1- CQRS- PUT overload / ISP- SemVer